Extending Chain
When writing an advanced Hive blockchain application in JavaScript, you may want to add more APIs to the standard set of Wax methods. There is a feature in Wax called extend
allowing you to extend Wax Chain with fully-typed requests with or without validators.
Regular Usage
For these examples you will require class-validator
package for requests and responses validation.
Virtually extend chain
If you do not want to implement your own validators, there is a simple interface to do so:
import { createHiveChain, TWaxApiRequest, TWaxExtended } from '@hiveio/wax';
const chain = await createHiveChain();
// https://developers.hive.io/apidefinitions/#transaction_status_api.find_transaction-parameter_json
// Create a request interface without validators - this will be the input from the end user
interface IFindTransactionRequest {
transaction_id: string;
expiration: string;
// https://developers.hive.io/apidefinitions/#transaction_status_api.find_transaction-expected_response_json
// Create a response interface without validators - this will be the output from the remote API
interface IFindTransactionResponse {
status: 'unknown' | string;
// Create the proper API structure
type TExtendedApi = {
transaction_status_api: { // API
find_transaction: TWaxApiRequest<IFindTransactionRequest, IFindTransactionResponse> // Method
const extended = chain.extend<TExtendedApi>();
// Call the transaction_status_api API using our extended interface
const result = await extended.api.transaction_status_api.find_transaction({
transaction_id: "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
expiration: "2016-03-24T18:00:21"
{ status: 'unknown' }
As you see in the example, there is a type called: TWaxApiRequest
which as a first template argument takes a user input type (that the user will have to pass to the API request function). It may be an interface
, but it can also be a standard type, like: boolean
, number
, Array
and so on. The second argument should be the response type (type of result
in the snippet above).
Extending Chain with validators
In order to create validators, you have to create a separate class for: request and response and create a proper API structure, like in the example (for transaction_status_api.find_transaction
import { IsHexadecimal, IsDateString, IsString } from 'class-validator';
import { createHiveChain, TWaxExtended } from '@hiveio/wax';
const chain = await createHiveChain();
// https://developers.hive.io/apidefinitions/#transaction_status_api.find_transaction-parameter_json
// Create a request class with validators that will require a valid input from the end user
class FindTransactionRequest {
public transaction_id!: string;
public expiration!: string;
// https://developers.hive.io/apidefinitions/#transaction_status_api.find_transaction-expected_response_json
// Create a response class with validators that will require a valid output from the remote API
class FindTransactionResponse {
public status!: 'unknown' | string;
// Create the proper API structure
const ExtendedApi = {
transaction_status_api: { // API
find_transaction: { // Method
params: FindTransactionRequest, // params is our request
result: FindTransactionResponse // result is out response
const extended: TWaxExtended<typeof ExtendedApi> = chain.extend(ExtendedApi);
// Call the transaction_status_api API using our extended interface
const result = await extended.api.transaction_status_api.find_transaction({
transaction_id: "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
expiration: "2016-03-24T18:00:21"
{ status: 'unknown' }